Long-Bell Lumber
The Long-Bell method of creosoting is known as the Pressure-Vacuum treatment. This is the most thorough and efficient method, because it does the work in such a manner that the entire sapwood is thoroughly impregnated through and through with creosote, and not merely on the surface or in spots. But the Pressure‑Vacuum treatment is not possible unless the equipment is complete, and this equipment is so huge and complicated that it is out of the question for the individual farmer to have a creosoting plant of his own operated on this principle. Furthermore, the economic side of wood preserving is a big handicap to the farmer who tries home-made methods. The farmer can seldom obtain a high quality creosote and as his purchases are in small quantity, the cost is relatively high. Furthermore, the use of an open tank, as commonly employed in home treatments, means a considerable loss of creosote by evaporation. It is obvious that posts creosoted with the Pressure-Vacuum treatment will more than live up to the claims we are making – namely, to give perfect service and satisfaction for at least 35 to 50 years. The Long-Bell Pressure-Vacuum treatment insures complete impregnation. It represents the most advanced ideas in making posts decay-proof, and requires equipment only possible because of this organization’s vast resources and extensive research work to benefit the farmers of America. All L-B Creosoted Yellow Pine Fence Posts are treated full length by the Pressure-Vacuum process. The posts, ready cut to required sizes, with all bark peeled off, thoroughly air-seasoned, are loaded in cages especially constructed for the purpose and run right into large air-tight steel cylinders, after which the cylinder doors are closed and the cylinders filled with creosote from elevated tanks. Pumps, exerting very high pressure, are then put into operation and the creosote forced into the wood until the cells of the sap-wood are practically filled, after which a powerful vacuum is applied and the surplus oil drawn from the wood. The three L-B creosoting plants have a monthly capacity of three hundred thousand posts and poles, in consequence of which the cost of treatment per post or pole remains very low.
Aside from the actual operation at our three creosoting plants, this company has developed efficient methods of handling posts and poles direct from the pine forests to the plants and thence to the distributing points throughout the country. Doing business on a large scale enables us to keep the cost per post down to a reasonable figure and, considering the permanency represented by L-B Posts for fence construction, these posts are by far the most economical of all. Every phase of the production of treated posts from the pine forests to the creosoting plants and from the plants to distributing yards has only one feature as the goal – the complete satisfaction of the purchaser, for the actual use is the real test of quality. |