
We Now Have Two Videos Published Here

          We hope to be able to add more such videos in the future.  This is our first try in getting information consolidated into two short 10 and 7 minute videos in order to provide easy access to content without going through a large number of still pictures.

          If you would like to see more of these added to our web site or if you have any comments or suggestions about our site, please let us know at:


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The Legendary Longs - An American Dream

          The content of this video comes from a PowerPoint slide show that was used by Tim Sullivan (RALHS President 2006 to 2014) at a meeting of the Board of the R. A. Long Historical Society.

          Eighty years ago, any Kansas Citian would have known the name of Robert Alexander Long.  He owned the world's largest lumber company, and his daughter smashed gender barriers in the show horse world.  Today, Long is best remembered locally as the builder of Longview Farm in Lee's Summit and Corinthian Hall in Northeast Kansas City – the home of the Kansas City Museum.

          The pictures contained in this video provide a very detailed and complete summary of Long’s Legacy which goes way beyond local communities.

The Legendary Longs - An American Dream

Loula Long Combs 100th Birthday Celebration

          The content of this next video came from a PowerPoint slide show that was used at Loula Long Combs 100th Birthday Celebration party.  It contains the pictures which best describe Loula, a lover of animals, especially her horses and her dogs.  It was said that Loula had a pet skunk in her bedroom at one time!

          This video also describes Loula's personality, and the music seems to fit her outlook on life.  We think that this is a good way to “liven up” (Jazz Up) the web site.

Loula Long Combs 100th Birthday Celebration